----- Forwarded message from Tobias Dussa ----- I have just uploaded a rather small style file for producing english lines (i. e. lines that are thicker in the middle than at the ends). The package is just one style file and quite simple.
I have placed it in incoming/texmf of ftp.dante.de; the file is called eline.sty. I would assume that it would best be added to someplace in macros/generic, as it is coded entirely with plain TeX commands.
I did not much think about the licensing issue much, so I just allow all uses and modifications, as long as a reference to the original author is kept. Also, it is made clear that no responsibility is assumed by myself. (If you think that it would be much better to just use the GPL or whatever, then please go ahead and drop me a note. I am not experienced in publishing TeX macro packages, so I am grateful for any help, but I suppose that such an effort is not warranted for such a small package.) ----- End forwarded message -----
Thansk for the submission. I installed the file in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/generic/eline.sty as suggested.
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team