----- Forwarded message from Emanuele Vicentini ----- I've uploaded in incoming/evweek a small spinn-off/bugfix of weekly.cls of the LaTeX Calendar Bundle. Licese is lppl.
I'd put evweek.{dtx,ins} in a new subdirectory of calendar: macros/latex/contrib/supported/calendar/contrib
Here's the summary: evweek.cls is a small extension of weekly.cls, the class for the weekly calendar format of the LaTeC Calendar Bundle. I've fixed a little problem with the height of titleboxes; the only extensions of this first release are five new options that allow a greater control over fonts used to typeset titleboxes.
===== Saluti, Emanuele. ----- End forwarded message -----
Thank you for the submission. I installed it as suggested in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/calendar/contrib/
Reinhard Zierke for the CTAN team