Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.60 License type: lppl
Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- new 'jigsaw' variants for the skins 'standard' and 'enhanced' for advanced transparency and similar effects.
- new package core skin 'standard jigsaw'
- 'tabularx' and 'tabularx*' reset the arrayrulecolor to black after the table now.
- option 'colbacktitle' moved from library 'skins' to package core
- new options: 'title filled', 'opacityupper', 'opacitylower', 'opacitytitle', 'opacityframe', 'opacityback', 'opacitybacktitle', 'opacityfill', 'opacitytext','hyphenationfix', 'standard jigsaw', 'enlarge by', 'grow to left by', 'grow to right by'
- library 'skins': * new skin: 'enhanced jigsaw', 'enhancedfirst jigsaw', 'enhancedmidle jigsaw', 'enhancedlast jigsaw' * marker style now based on 'enhancedmiddle jigsaw' * new options: 'enhanced jigsaw', 'tikz', 'tikz reset', 'show bounding box', 'at begin tikz', 'at begin tikz reset', 'at end tikz', 'at end tikz reset', 'rotate', 'scale', 'remember', 'remember as', 'drop shadow southeast', 'drop shadow south', 'drop shadow southwest', 'drop shadow west', 'drop shadow northwest', 'drop shadow north', 'drop shadow northeast', 'drop shadow east', 'drop fuzzy shadow southeast', 'drop fuzzy shadow south', 'drop fuzzy shadow southwest', 'drop fuzzy shadow west', 'drop fuzzy shadow northwest', 'drop fuzzy shadow north', 'drop fuzzy shadow northeast','drop fuzzy shadow east',
- library 'listings': new options 'text above listing' and 'listing above text'
- library 'theorems':
ewtcbtheorem creates an additional starred theorem environment
- library 'fitting': fit algorithm warning switched off by default. new options: 'fit warning'
- library 'documentation': more values for 'index format'
- documentation extended
- major internal implementation changes and optimizations
This package is located at
More information is at
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra RĂ¼be-Pugliese