Mark Doyle submitted an update to the
Version: 4.2c 2019-01-18 License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Styles for various Physics Journals
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
This repackaging includes the files necessary to handle REVTeX 4.1 documents after receiving feedback from Karl Berry, David Carlisle, and other users. It also includes several updated bst files that fixes a serious bug in the initial upload.
This update (version 4.2c) includes updated bst files to address a serious bug. It also includes the additional files necessary to handle REVTeX 4.1 documents as a convenience to users and TeX distribution maintainers.
REVTeX 4.2 is the latest update to REVTeX. Changes include:
* Added support for additional APS journals, Physical Review X, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, Physical Review Applied, Physical Review Fluids, Physical Review Materials, and Physical Review Physics Education Research. There are new options prx, prab, prapplied, prfluids, and prmaterials, and prper.
* Added a unified physrev option for Physical Review journal style (the Phys. Rev. journals have no or few variations).
* The prb option now conforms with Physical Review B's updated style that uses the same non-superscripted citations as other APS journals.
* Added support for additional AIP journals, AIP Advances, Applied Physics Letters Materials, and Structural Dynamics as well as AIP Conference Proceedings. There are new options adv, apm, sd, and cp.
* Added support for the Society of Rheology (sor) and its journal, Journal of Rheology (jor).
* The reprint style for AIP's journal JMP was changed to one-column formatting.
* For all APS journal options, complete article titles are now displayed in bibliography entries citing journal articles when using BibTeX by default.
* In the Phys. Rev. BibTeX style file, article titles in the bibliography are set in roman font.
* The behavior of the noeprints option has been improved.
* Support has been added for citing data sets in the BibTeX styles.
* Support for citing journals that use a DOI instead of pages or article identifiers has been improved (for APS Phys. Rev. BibTeX style).
* The indentation of tables of contents have been improved.
* The onecolumn option no longer defaults to creating a separate title page.
* The showpacs option is completely ignored now.
* A bug when using booktabs.sty has been fixed.
* The formatting of references for some commonly cited journals has been improved in the Phys. Rev. BibTeX style.
* URLs generated for DOIs now use as the base in the BibTeX styles.
* URLs generated for e-print identifiers now use as the base in the BibTeX styles.
More information about REVTeX can be found at
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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