Christian Tellechea submitted an update to the
Version: 1.3 2018-03-08 License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Draw molecules with easy syntax
Announcement text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
chemfig 1.3
* All parameters are now set via setchemfig{} with <key>=<value> syntax. The following macros, though still working, are now obsolete: setcrambond, setatomsep, setbondoffset, setdoublesep, setangleincrement, enablefixedbondlength, disablefixedbondlength, setnodestyle, setbondstyle, setlewis, setlewisdist, setstacksep, setcompoundstyle, setarrowdefault, setandsign, setarrowoffset, setcompoundsep, setarrowlabelsep, enablebondjoin, disablebondjoin and schemedebug
* The starred version chemfig* and the optionnals arguments chemfig[][], though still, working are obsolete. The setchemfig macro should be used instead.
* 6 new parameters: lewis radius, arrow double sep, arrow double coeff, arrow double harpoon, cycle radius coeff, arrow head, all set via setchemfig
* Bugfix in CF@parse@mergeopt
* Code cleaning.
* Macro polymerdelim (undocumented), included in the code: this macro is exprimental and still in test.
* No write register allocated by ewwrite
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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