Maïeul Rouquette submitted an update to the
reledmac and reledpar
Version number: 2.12.0 and 2.11.0 License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset scholarly editions
Announcement text: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Reledmac: - preXnotes becomes Xprenotes (naming convention) - add hidenumberingonleftpage and hidenumberingonrightpage - add oendnotes and related, to insert any arbitrary content inside end note lists (for example:subsection marks) - Add auxdir option. - Fix bug in critical and familiar footnotes when using uppercase letters with accent mark - Fix bug when using chapter in optional argument of pstart in parallel typesetting in combination with the noeledsec option. - Fix bug with ledinnernote} and ledouternote in parallel typesetting - Fix bug with familiar footnote number in optional argument of pstart or pend in parallel typesetting - Fix spurious vertical space in chapter when used as optional argument of pstart in parallel tyepsetting. - Make endnote compatible with sameword mechanism - More accurate message to control the position of Xfootnote and applabel in the LaTeX
Reledpar: - Compatibility with reledmac 's auxdir option - New implementation of Xonlyside and onlysideX hooks, prevent trouble with vertical spacing - Clarification in the handbook about the use of Xonlyside and onlysideX and error message if mesuse ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz