On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Jean-Pierre Drucbert submitted version 41 of his package minitoc.
This package is useful to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs) at the beginning of every chapter. They are also minilofs and minilots. At the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does not use chapters, they are section level secttocs, sectlofs and sectlots.
Location on CTAN : macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/ Kicence: LPPL
updates versus version 40: ======================================================================= Version #41 Corrections in documentation. Message added if some sectionning commands are not available. Replaced ypeout commands in minitoc.sty by PackageInfo or PackageWarning commands. Hence, the package is less verbose (PackageInfo writes only in the .log file, not on the terminal). Added mtcsetfont (for Benjamin Bayart) and mtcsettitlefont. Added bibliography. Added test on amsart, amsproc and amsbook packages. The first two are incompatible with minitoc, the third needs precautions. Added mtcsetformat and: ptc | pnumwidth mtc | tocrmargin stc | dotsep plf | mlf | slf | plt | mlt | slt | Added mtcsettitle. Added a hint for recommending the insection option. Added a hint about the presence of dominitoc & co. Added a hint about coherence dominitoc/minitoc & co. Improved documentation about hints. Added a hint about more that 99 parts/chapters/sections with short extensions. ptifont: Hugefseries becomes LARGEfseries. Added mtcsetpagenumbers. Added serbianc.mld. Added chinese1.mld, chinese2.mld, hangul1.mld, hangul2.mld, hangul3.mld, hangul4.mld, hanja1.mld, hanja2.mld, japanese2.mld, japanese3.mld, japanese4.mld, japanese5.mld, thai.mld. Added mtcsetrules. Added plfrule, oplfrule, mlfrule, omlfrule, slfrule, oslfrule. Added pltrule, opltrule, mltrule, omltrule, sltrule, osltrule. Added the mtchideinmaintoc environment. Added latvian.mld and letton.mld. Added greek-mono.mld, greek-polydemo.mld, greek-polykatha.mld, polish2.mld, russian2m.mld, russian2o.mld. Added the mtchideinmainlof and mtchideinmain environments. Added mtcfixindex. =======================================================================
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf