The package described below has been updated at and should be at your favorite mirror soon.
Thank you, Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: NCCLATEX bundle Author's name: Alexander I Rozhenko Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/ncclatex Summary description: Release 1.4 License type: lppl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the major release of the bundle having many improvements. It requires the `ncctools' bundle of release 3.4. Seven new packages are introduced. Other packages and the `ncc' class are revised.
The new `nccdefaults' package sets defaults for some packages from the `ncctools' bundle in correspondence with Russian polygraph. It does this without loading of packages to be modified via the AddToPackage hook.
The new `ncctheorems' package specifies 8 theorem-like environments in 3 variants that were early specified in the `ncclatex' package. The same AddToPackage technique is used here. So, all these environments will be declared after the `nccthm' package is loaded.
The new `nccbiblist' package introduces the biblist environment and redefines the thebibliography environment.
The new `ncctitlepage' package redefines the titlepage environment in NCC-style and introduces the titlepage* environment. It also applies auto-restoration of the text area if it was changed inside these environments with the ExpandTextArea command of the `textarea' package from the `ncctools' bundle.
The new `ncctitle' package is renamed from the `ncctitle.clo' file. It is made independent on the `ncc' class and can be used together with other classes. This package introduces commands for preparing a book title, abstract, and last page in rules of Russian polygraphy.
The new `nccheadings' package contains definition of `headings' and `myheadings' page styles in NCC-style.
The new `nccsections' package applies a customization to sectioning technique of the `nccsect' package from the `ncctools' bundle. Six customization options are allowed now with this package: newsecstyle (separate styles for a number and a text in section declaration commands), newtocstyle (separate styles for a number and a text in TOC declaration commands), chapterinline (chapter tag in line with text), chaptersection (the same as previous but no Chapter/Appendix prefix), partinline (part tag in line with text), partsection (the same as previous but no Part prefix).
The `ncchdr' and `nccindex' packages are now independent on the `ncc' class. They can be used together with other classes.
In the `ncclatex' package, the `minimize' option is introduced. With this option only required packages are loaded when the `ncclatex' package is used.
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