Sven Pistre submitted the
Version: 0.2.0 2023-04-07
License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
Announcement text:
Imagine you are reading a long mathematical text such as a text
book or a thesis.
There are plenty of supplementary lemmas, propositions, theorems
and/or exercises throughout the whole text.
You ask yourself
Gosh, while Lemma 1.12 is certainly an interesting result
_where_ is this result used later on in this long text?
I really would find that helpful to decide _why_ I should
read the proof.
You can, of course, use the PDF search function of your viewer
to look up the string Lemma 1.12 but wouldn't it be more helpful
if Lemma 1.12 already indicates all or at least its most useful/
crucial applications via an info message?
This is what the package cleveref-usedon tries to address.
The info message Used on p. 40, 43-45 and 101. would then
be printed to the header of Lemma 1.12.
This is done by extending the cref and Cref commands
and giving them an optional argument 'UsedOn'.
Every time you wish to record a reference in the 'used on page
list', you would simply type cref[UsedOn]{<LabelName>}.
If you use cref without this optional argument, this
reference won't be recorded in this page list.
Check the package documentation for more info on the usage
or look at an example directly.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Hans-Martin Münch submitted an update to the
Version: 1.1a 2023-04-12
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
Announcement text:
- NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2022-11-01], older package version
available from archive (see History in the documentation).
- Using the new hook management and LaTeX’s @abspage@last.
- Made
ewcommands robust.
- Package pageslts is neither needed nor used by the papermas package
any longer.
- Removed papermas@powerof (obsolete since version 2011-06-02 v1.0f).
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Andrew Parsloe submitted an update to the
Version: 5.3 2023-04-12
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
Announcement text:
Version 5.3 of diffcoeff fixes a bug that arose when using a
differential in beamer, introduces another way of specifying
the orders of differentiation, and re-instates an
order-override option.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Alex A. Naanou submitted an update to the
Version: 0.1.18 2023-04-11
License: bsd3
Summary description: A document class for typesetting photo books
Announcement text:
Renamed clearfoldoutbinding to clearfoldoutgutter .
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Chris Hughes submitted an update to the
Version number: 3.20.6 2023-04-11
License type: gpl3
Summary description: Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
Announcement text:
Further minor updates to the diacritics in filenames, full details at
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see .
Christophe Poulain submitted an update to the
Version number: 0.99-z-h 2023-04-10
License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
Announcement text:
Some new commands : Trio, DefiRangement, Factorisation
This package is located at
More information is at
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Ina Dau
Máté Cserép submitted an update to the
Version number: 2.3.1
License type: mit
Summary description: Thesis template for Eötvös Loránd University (Informatics)
Announcement text:
Minor fixes and improvements:
- Fix wrong line spacing in multi-line titles
- Added example for aligned equations to sample files
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see .
Máté Cserép submitted the
Version number: 2.0
License type: mit
Summary description: TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
Announcement text:
The National Conference of Scientific Students' Associations (OTDK) of Hungary
is the most significant scientific event for Bachelor and Master students in
the country, where students compete with their research papers in all field of
science. It is organized in every 2 years. The conference / competition has 2
rounds: a university level and a country level (for the best papers).
This class template enforces the required formatting rules for TDK theses and
generates the cover and title page given on the provided metadata. The
formatting rules are defined to meet the requirements for TDK theses submitted
at the Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Informatics (Budapest, Hungary).
This also fits the formatting requirements of the Computer Science Section of
the country level round. With sufficient modifications the template could be
usable for TDK theses at other national and faculty level sections, too.
The template supports producing both Hungarian and English theses.
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see .
Walter Daems submitted an update to the
Version number: 4.5 2023-04-10
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style
Announcement text:
Annual bugfix release
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Erik Braun
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see
Alex A. Naanou submitted an update to the
Version number: 0.1.17
License type: bsd3
Summary description: A document class for typesetting photo books
Announcement text:
Reworked indingoffset to affect all cells now this has the same semantics as
in geometry{..}; added gutteroffset to allow to offset non-bleed cells
relative to the gutter.
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see .