Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.1.4 2022-05-07
License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
Announcement text:
Ajout d'une commande cercletrigoPL pour créer facilement, en TikZ, un cercle
trigo avec options
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs .
Uwe Ziegenhagen submitted an update to the
Version number: 3.36
License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
Announcement text:
The code has been completely reorganized. The implementation documentation is
now completely in English and uses the new class koma-script-source-doc. This
class is based on version 3 of the doc package. Partially the order of the code
has changed. Some deprecated code parts have been removed completely, others
generate long overdue warnings.
scrartcl, scrbook, scrreprt:
Non-floating environments table- und figure- are also defined.
scrlttr2, scrletter:
The internal macros if@plength, @newplength, @setplength, and @addtoplength
are not only deprecated, which has been documented since KOMA-Script 3.25 from
2018/03/30, but also warn. If you haven't already done so, you should use the
user commands Ifplength,
ewplength, setplength, and addtoplength instead
urgently now!
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs .
Nan Geng submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.1.0 2022-05-06
License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
Announcement text:
The `printman`, `getpiece`, `piecechar` and `
esetpiece` macros have been added. The
`setccheseman*` environment can be cross-referenced by labels, and the `printman` macro
can be used to output the results by label. The macro package documentation has been
updated at the same time.
This package is located at
More information is at
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Ina Dau
Ronny Bergmann submitted the
Version: 1.0.0 2022-05-06
License: mit
Summary description: Semantic math commands in LaTeX
Announcement text:
This LaTeX package `mathsemantics.sty` provides both syntactic
and semantic helpers to typeset math in LaTeX.
The syntactic layer eases typesetting of formulae in general,
while the semantic layer provides commands like `inner{x}{y}`
to unify typesetting of inner products. These not only unify
typesetting of math formulae but also allow to easily adapt
Notation if a user prefers to.
The semantic layer is split into topics.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
Daniel Flipo submitted an update to the
Version number: 0.53
License type: ofl lppl1.3
Summary description: Utopia based OpenType Math font
Announcement text:
- fourier-otf.sty now loads realscripts for better superscripts.
- Vertical variants of mathslash, ackslash: slope corrected.
- Added proportional digits and lnum, pnum features in math mode.
- Added character variant (cv11) for partial.
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Erik Braun
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
The LaTeX Team submitted an update to the
Version: 2022-05-04
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: LaTeX3 programming conventions
Announcement text:
## [2022-05-04]
### Added
- Language settings `hy` and `hy-x-yiwn` for handling of ech-yiwm ligature
## Changed
- Support BCP 47 properly in case changer language argument
### Fixed
- Correct `el-xiota` and `de-xeszett` to `el-x-iota` and `de-x-eszett`
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
Nan Geng submitted the
Version: 1.0.0 2022-04-29
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
Announcement text:
Chinese chess manual writing package based on l3draw with Expl3.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
Joseph Wright submitted an update to the
Version: 3.1.1 2022-05-03
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A comprehensive (SI) units package
Announcement text:
## [v3.1.1] - 2022-05-03
### Changed
- Allow for _e.g._ `clist_item:Nn` usage inside `unit` argument
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
Cédric Pierquet submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.1.3 2022-05-02
License type: lppl1.3c
Summary description: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
Announcement text:
Ajout d'une commande pour simplifier des calculs sous forme fractionnaire.
Ajout d'une commande pour simplifier l’écriture d’un ensemble, avec espaces «
automatiques ».
Ajout d'une commande pour créer, en TikZ, la toile pour une suite récurrente.
This package is located at
More information is at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs .
Herbert Voß submitted an update to the
Version: 2.39 2022-05-01
License: lppl
Summary description: Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
Announcement text:
- fix bug with package calc
- remove global setting in double page floats for right part
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups.
Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs