Emmanuel Beffara submitted an update to the
Version: 1.1 / 2015-03-13
License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus.
Announcement text:
Removed incorrect uses of ifthenelse.
Changed the template options to make them more robust.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Tobias Oetiker submitted an update to the
Version: 1.41 / 2015-03-21
License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Expand acronyms at least once.
Announcement text:
Changed names of internal macros to avoid naming conflicts with
pageslts package.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the
Version: 1.12 / 2015-03-12
License: lppl1.3
Summary description: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document.
Announcement text:
- ugly pictures of the documentation exchanged by not so ugly ones.
- new options:
'left border', 'bottom border', 'right border', 'top border',
'horizontal border', 'vertical border', 'border'
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Faithful readers of the CTAN-Ann messages may have noticed the
sudden disruption of the service about two and a half weeks ago.
This was not for lack of noteworthy submissions, nor had
the CTAN team gone on a collective holiday or on strike.
What had in fact befallen us was the -- gradual -- loss
of our second main host at Cambridge.
As a matter of fact we had been suspecting for some time that
this host was running more or less unattended, but on Thu
March 12 it definitely ceased to pick up the packages that
had been newly installed or updated on the server in Germany.
In consequence, all the mirrors (http://dante.ctan.org/mirmon/)
that had up to then obtained their new material via tex.ac.uk
went out of sync.
Still hoping that things might arrange themselves by themselves
within a few days, we did not take any immediate action except
trying -- in vain -- to reach somebody in charge at Cambridge.
We also stopped sending out CTAN-Ann messages, so that people
should not be tempted to go looking for new packages on stale
mirrors, and tried to contact mirror admins, asking them to
switch from tex.ac.uk to the German server.
As one can see on http://dante.ctan.org/mirmon/, these messages
still seem not to have reached all the persons concerned,
although the situation has improved a little.
Luckily, TeX Live was not affected by this problem, as they
are fetching their packages from the server in Germany.
We have now finally given up hope that the Cambridge server
will ever re-enter into reliable service again. We have
therefore taken the necessary measures to keep up the service
on our own.
In particular, we will post in the course of the day the
40 messages kept back during the past weeks and then
resume CTAN-Announcements as usual.
Thanks for your patience!
For the CTAN team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Maïeul Rouquette submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.19.1-1.13.1
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Typeset scholarly editions.
Announcement text:
This release:
- optimize code repartition between eledmac and eledpar
- delete spurious empty pages after Pages (added by 1.13.0)
- fixe somes spacing trouble for onlyXside and onlysideX feature (we are waiting feedback for these two features)
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Ina Dau
Jean-François Burnol submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.08 2015-03-10
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Completely customisable TOCs.
Announcement text:
etocskipfirstprefix may now appear anywhere in the part of a level
New commands etociffirst, etocxiffirst, etocxifnumbered.
It is now possible to issue line style specifications directly with &
and \ tokens, in order to typeset a TOC as a tabular or longtable
with the opening for example in the first argument of etocsettocstyle
and the closing in its second argument.
It is mandatory for such uses to issue etocglobaldefs which tells
etoc to proceed globally for certain definitions. This is also useful
in the context of the inline environments of package enumitem.
On this occasion, various old parts of the code have been improved.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz
Edgar Olthof submitted the
Version: 1.0 / 2015-03-07
License: lppl1.2
Summary description: Typesetting financial tables.
Announcement text:
A new LaTeX package is available that provides a new
column type ``f'' that typesets financial tables
from raw data.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Michael Sharpe submitted an update to the
Version: 1.22 / 2015-03-09
License: lppl
Summary description: Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics.
Announcement text:
In addition to a number of changes in kerning between small cap glyphs
and punctuation, this release detects use of babel and modifies its
behavior accordingly, and provides new options to fine tune word spacing.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Joseph Wright submitted an update to the
Version number/date: 2.1b / 2015-03-10
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: e-TeX tools for LaTeX.
Announcement text:
Version 2.1a:
- Maintainence now by Joseph Wright
- Minor adjustment: loading of support
package etex is now skipped if the LaTeX
kernel is aware of e-TeX registers. This
is in preparation for an upcoming LaTeX
Version 2.1b:
- Update of some URLs in the documentation.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Petra Rübe-Pugliese
Scott Pakin submitted the
Version number: 1.0
License type: lppl1.3
Summary description: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text
and frame combined)
Announcement text:
The boxedminipage2e package is a very simple package that essentially
just wraps a minipage within an fbox. However, while
fbox{egin{minipage}{linewidth}...end{minipage}} juts out into the
margin, egin{boxedminipage}...end{boxedminipage} does not. Instead,
it subtracts the frame's dimensions from the specified dimensions of
the minipage before typesetting the minipage.
This package is located at
More information is at
We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Manfred Lotz