This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's Colllege
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: Metapost
Version number: 1.212
Author's name: Taco Hoekwater
Location on CTAN: /graphics/metapost/base
Summary description: The metapost graphics engine
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
MetaPost 1.212 has a much improved reference manual and
contains a set of small bugfixes for earlier 1.2xx releases.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
Update summary:
version 0.9a
- Compatibility to biblatex 0.9e.
- New option 'postnote'. This option can take the values
'inparen' and 'afterparen', where 'inparen' puts the
postnote in subsequent citations inside the parenthesis
holding the 'see note N' phrase. The default is
'afterparen' (thus, the default behaviour has changed,
because the HZ style requires it. The style description
was wrong at this point, and I did not check properly in
the printed journal. Therefore, the biblatex style
'historische-zeitschrift' was wrong in this particular
point. For compatibility reasons, and because it might be
useful, I turned the wrong behaviour into the option
- @reference and @inreference are now supported (as an
alias for @collection and @incollection, respectively, as
they do not require special treatment).
Basic package information, as sent by the contributor.
Location: /macros/latex/exptl/biblatex-contrib/historische-zeitschrift
Caption: Biblatex style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
Description: The package provides citations according with the house
style of the ‘Historische Zeitschrift’, a German historical journal.
The scheme is a fullcite for the first citation and ‘Author,
Shorttitle (as note N, P)’ for later citations (P being the page
number). For further details, see the description of the house
style at the journal's site.
The package depends on biblatex (version 0.9e or higher).
Author: Dominik Waßenhoven
License: lppl
Name: historische-zeitschrift
Version: 0.9
More information is at
(this link may take a day to sync). Our archive service is sponsored
by the TeX Users Group .
Herbert Voss wrote:
> I have uploaded mathmode-new.tgz to the uk ctan node.
> there is also a damaged mathmode.tgz, please delete
> this file.
> Please replace the files with the existing ones in
> /info/math/voss/mathmode/
> This new version 2.45 has the following changes:
> 2010-10-18 - fix bug with missing $ symbols
> - typos
thanks for the upload; i have installed the new version and updated the
catalogue repository.
Users may view the package's catalogue entry at
or browse the package's directory at
The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: Asymptote
Version number: 2.05
Author's name: John Bowman
Summary description: 2D & 3D TeX-Aware Vector Graphics Language
License type: lgpl
Announcement text:
Arbitrary depth array constructors were re-instated.
Profiling code was added. Spaces within file names and eps
file attachments are now supported in inlinetex mode, and
interference from any pre-existing aux file is avoided. A
new auto-generated version (1.21) of asymptote.sty
contributed by Will Robertson features a latexmk-compatible
asyinclude command. Path-overwriting bugs in the NSIS
MSWindows installer were circumvented.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: luaotfload
Version number: 1.20
Author's name: Khaled Hosny
Summary description: OpenType layout system for Plain TeX and LaTeX
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
* Make cache directory creation more robust
* Fix GPOS mark placement in left-to-right direction
* Reject fonts missing 'names' table
* Sanitize color value before attempting to use it
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 Salome Södergran submitted the new package
to CTAN.
Summary description: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with biblatex.
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This package provides an imitation of the moderncv-class
with the classic style (by Xavier Danaux), to be used in
conjunction with the koma-classes.
Thus it is possible to configure pagelayout, headings etc.
the way it is done in koma-classes. Moreover, it is possible
to use biblatex, while the original moderncv-class is
incompatible with biblatex.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
This should be at your local mirror.
Thanks again,
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: rec-thy
Version number: 1.0
Author's name: Peter M. Gerdes
Summary description: Commands to typeset recursion theory (aka computability theory) papers
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Initial release of the rec-thy package
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: babeltools
Version number: 0.2
Author's name: Javier Bezos
Summary description: Fixing (some) babel annoyances
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
With babeltools, you can decide which shorthands are used or
even cancel its mechanism altogether. An alternative
implementation is provided. You can prevent config files to
be loaded, and macros for citations and cross references to
be redefined, too.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: musixtex
Version number: T-114
Author's name: Bob Tennent
Location on CTAN: /macros/musixtex
Summary description: Sophisticated music typesetting
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
This is a complete makeover of what was formerly the Taupin
sub-directory of macros/musixtex. This distribution is easy
to install on TDS-compliant TeX systems (no installation
scripts) and includes three of the most important add-on
packages: for Postscript fonts, Postscript slurs, and
support for lyrics. Obsolete and redundant files have been
deleted. The package includes the C source for the 2nd-pass
processor musixflx and a pre-compiled Windows binary.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .
This should be at your local mirror.
Thank you again,
Jim Hef{}feron
Saint Michael's College
Information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: russ
Version number: 1
Author's name: Sergey Shashkov
Summary description: Russ - TeX commands with russian letters, russian hypenations
and other printing traditions
License type: other-free
Announcement text:
With this package you can use russian letters in commands. For example,
oindent extbf{Задача.}hspace{2mm}ignorespaces}
Also you have no problems with russian letters (Ё!)
You have Глава instead of Chapter, g instead of an and others.
You have no need to use babel.
This package is at
. Information is at
(it may take a day for the information to appear). We are supported
by the TeX Users Group . For your users group
see .