On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 Alain Matthes submitted the new package
to CTAN.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/tkz-tab
Summary description: The 'tkz-tab' package provides some macros to build tables showing variations of functions
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
The 'tkz-tab' package is built on top of PGF and its associated front-end, TikZ and is
a (La)TeX-friendly drawing package. The aim is to provide some useful macros to
build tables showing variations of functions as they are used in France.
These macros may be used by only LaTeX TeX users. The documentation is in
-- works with utf8 and pdflatex
-- provides 'help' option,
-- allows to draw tables of variations with a forbidden zone,
-- allows to use TikZ.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
On Sun, 1 Mar 2009 J.J. Green submitted an update to the
fonts package.
Location on CTAN: /fonts/fge
Summary description: a font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Fixed some defects in the overturned eszett.
Added type 1 (pfb) versions of the font
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
This package has been updated at tug.ctan.org and should be at your local mirror
within the day.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: svn-multi
Author's name: Martin Scharrer
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/svn-multi/
Summary description: Update to version 1.5 - New macros: svntoday and svnfiletoday
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This version introduces two new macros svntoday and
svnfiletoday which typeset the document-global or
file-local date, respectively, in the format of oday.
Thanks and credit for the sample code goes to Manuel
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
This package has been updated at tug.ctan.org and should in the next day work its way
through the mirroring system.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: ThuThesis
Author's name: Ruini Xue
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/thuthesis
Summary description: ThuThesis is a LaTeX thesis template package for
Tsinghua University in order to make it easy to write thesises for
either bachelor, master or doctor.
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
xetex is supported now.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
On Sun, 1 Mar 2009 Zdeněk Wagner submitted an update to the
This package was developed as a typographers’ toolbox offering the most
important features for everyday work. First it allows setting the paper size as
well as the page layout. The next important feature is the ability to print
crop marks both with TeX + dvips or (x)dvipdfm(x) and with pdfTeX. Finally it
is possible to reflect pages both horizontally and vertically.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/zwpagelayout/
Summary description: Update of the sample files
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
I was notified that the sample files require a private
package that is not publicly available. The macros in the
sample files were modified and dependence on encTeX was
removed so that everyone can run them through LaTeX. The
package itself remained unchanged.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 Nicola Talbot submitted an update to the
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/datatool
Summary description: Tools to load and manipulate data
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
v2.0 (2009/02/27):
* Rewritten database internal representation to make the code
faster (thanks to Morten Ho gholm for the suggestion)
* added etex as a required package
* Database columns can now have an associated header (in addition
to the key)
* added DTLdisplaydb and DTLdisplaylongdb
* added DTLremoverow
* DTLloaddb, DTLloadrawdb:
- removed unnecessary checks to determine if database
exists when adding entries.
- added optional argument
- can now also load files without header row
* DTLsumforkeys, DTLmeanforkeys, DTLvarianceforkeys,
DTLsdforkeys, DTLminforkeys and DTLmaxforkeys now have a
second optional argument
* added DTLsumcolumn, DTLmeanforcolumn, DTLvarianceforcolumn,
DTLsdforcolumn, DTLminforcolumn and DTLmaxforcolumn
* added dtlforeachkey
* added dtlforint and dtlgforint
* added dtlforcolumn and dtlforcolumnidx
* added DTLcolumncount
* added starred versions of:
- DTLifdbempty
- DTLnewrow
* added DTLifhaskey
* added DTLgetcolumnindex
* added DTLunsettype, DTLstringtype, DTLinttype, DTLrealtype
and DTLcurrencytype
* added DTLgetdatatype
* removed @dtl@setidtype
* removed @dtl@setkeys
* removed @dtl@getidtype
* removed @dtl@ifrowcontains
* removed dtl@getentryvalue
* removed dtl@getentryid
* added dtlgetentryfromcurrentrow
* added dtlforcolumnindex
* fixed bug causing ! Argument of pgfmath@afterquick has an extra }
* added DTLeverybarhook
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 Martin Scharrer submitted an update to the
This package lets you typeset keywords of the version control system Subversion
inside your LaTeX files anywhere you like. Unlike the otherwise similar package
svn the use of multiple files for one LaTeX document is well supported.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/svn-multi/
Summary description: Update to version 1.4 - support of timezones with non-zero minute part.
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This update adds support of timezones which are not full
hours. This was requested by an user living in India with a
timezone of +0530. Previous versions assumed '00' at the end
of the timezone and failed with a TeX parse error when
confronted with other timezones. Please note the changes to
the timezone macros (svntimezone, svnfiletimezone) and the
new related macros: svntimezonehour, svntimezoneminute,
svnfiletimezonehour, svnfiletimezoneminute. Please see the
PDF manual for more details.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 Yvon Henel submitted the new package
to CTAN.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/yagusylo
Summary description: A kind of extension of pifont gone technicolor
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
The package yagusylo
<Yet Another Grand Unified SYmbols LOader>
version 1.2 dated 2009-02-26; first CTAN version
This package enables you to obtain a symbol whithout loading the
package which usually provides it in order to avoid name
It could be considered as an extension of pifont gone technicolor.
It's behaviour is controlled by keys using xkeyval.
Provides macros for obtaining one glyph, for filling and
drawing lines, itemize-like and enumerate-like environments .
The user documentation contains examples. The code is more
or less explained. A French documentation is provided.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf