On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Jean-Pierre Drucbert submitted an update to the
The minitoc package allows you to add mini-tables-of-contents
(minitocs) at the beginning of every chapter, part or section.
There is also provision for mini-lists of figures and of tables. At
the part level, they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the
type of document does not use chapters, the basic provision is
section level secttocs, sectlofs and sectlots.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/minitoc
License: LPPL
This new version has the following changes or improvements:
Minitoc version #60
--* Fixing a lot of corrupted graphic (PDF) files by
replacing them with the original PNG files.
--** Making internal hyperlinks work again with Acrobat
* These files were corrupted during the conversion PNG->PDF
using ImageMagick.
** But xpdf did not show these problems.
Many thanks to Heiko Oberdiek and Staszek Wawrykiewicz who
signaled the problems and helped to fix them.
The administravive trivia are in the `CATALOG' file in the
Note that the documentation is mainly available in PDF form:
-- in (not perfect) english: minitoc.pdf,
-- in french: minitoc-fr.pdf.
The ``cmk'' script may be used to convert the PDF documentation
into PostScript.
The INSTALL file (and, better, the ``Installation'' chapter in the
documentation) describes the files of this package (the complete
list of files is in minitoc.l).
A minitoc.tds.zip file is also available in the distribution.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf