my little robot ctan-upload said...
> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: siunitx
> Author's name: Joseph Wright
> Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/siunitx
> Summary description: A comprehensive (SI) units package
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> v1.1e:
> - Fixed issue with cellspace package (see documention for details)
> - Added kilomol and kmol units
> - Minor fix for celsius
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at
thanks for the upload. i have installed the files and made the
necessary minor adjustment to the catalogue.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
This package has been updated at and is makeing its way to
your local mirror.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: verbatimcopy
Author's name: Lars Madsen
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/verbatimcopy/
Summary description: verbatimcopy provides functionality to let TeX copy
one file into another.
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Updated version of verbatimcopy.
The code has been rewritten by Ulrich Diez such that it can now handle
spaces in filenames (use 'enquotefilenames' package option) and it can
also handle special chars in filenames through a verb-like interface.
See the doc for more information.
Please note that this version is NOT backwards compatible, though the
old functionality is provided through the 'compatibility' package option.
In compliance with the Debian guidelines, the source of the docs is
now provided.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
A new package has been installed on and it should soon be at
a mirror near you.
Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: easylist
Author's name: Paul Isambert
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/easylist
Summary description: Creating list of numbered items with a single active
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This package allows you to create lists of numbered items (like
Wittgenstein's 'Tractatus') with a single active character as the only
command. The appearance of the list may be controlled thanks to various
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
This package has been updated at
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: tufte-latex
Author's name: Kevin Godby
Location on CTAN: /
Summary description: A Tufte-inspired LaTeX class for producing handouts and papers
License type: apache2
Announcement text:
A small bugfix update to the existing Tufte-LaTeX document classes.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
This package has been updated and should soon be at your favorite mirror.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: biblatex-dw
Author's name: Dominik Wassenhoven
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/exptl/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-dw/
Summary description: Humanities styles for biblatex
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Version 1.2c
- New option 'idembibformat': When using 'idembib=true',
you can choose whether you want to have an 'idem' string
in the bibliography (idembibformat=idem) or a dash
(idembibformat=dash), as is the standard setting in
biblatex. The standard is 'idembibformat=idem'.
- Option 'idembib' changed: Now 'false' means that
subsequent entries of the same author are given with full
names, not a dash (as was the behaviour up to now). The
standard is 'idembib=true'.
- Improved xref support: The child entry does not only scan
for the 'volume' field of the parent entry, but prints
also 'location' and 'year', if they differ from the
parent entry.
This package is located atā¦
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
This package has been updated at and should soon be at
your favorite mirror.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: latexmk
Author's name: John Collins
Location on CTAN: /support/latexmk
Summary description: Fully automated LaTeX document generation program
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
Corrects problem with misreading of log files generated by current
MikTeX (v. 2.7) that puts double quotes around space-containing filenames.
Correction of problem with using -pspdf option.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
Herbert Voss <Herbert.Voss(a)FU-Berlin.DE> wrote:
> I uploaded pst-3dplot.tgz to the uk mirror. Please replace the
> files with the ones in the directory
> /graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-3dplot/
> pst-3dplot is a PSTricks related package for drawing
> 3-D objects in parallel projection.
> This update has the following changes
> --------
> 0.27 2008-11-12 add routine for scalar and vector product
> pst-3dplot.tex --------
> 1.82 2008-11-12 - rewrote pstThreeDCircle to allow non orthogonal
> vectors for the 3d circle plane
> The documentation uses the pst-doc class, which is also available
> from CTAN, it can be find in the doc directory of the base system.
thanks for the upload; i have installed it as requested, and updated the
catalogue repository.
users may examine the catalogue entry at
or browse the package directory at
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
A new package has been installed on and should soon be at your
local mirror.
Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: Gentium
Author's name: Thomas A. Schmitz, Mojca Miklavec
Location on CTAN: /fonts/gentium
Summary description: Gentium font and TeX support files
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
This package includes TrueType fonts from SIL, files needed to use them
in pdfTeX in multiple encodings (agr, t2a, ec/T1, texnansi, l7x, qx, t5)
and support files for ConTeXt. Other encodings or LaTeX support can be
added on demand.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
This package has been updated at and should soon be at your
local mirror.
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: geometry
Author's name: Hideo Umeki
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/geometry
Summary description: Flexible and easy interface to page dimensions
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
Release v4.1:
* Bug fixed: Missing ProvidesPackage.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .
This package has been updated on and should soon be at your
local mirror.
Thank you,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: program.sty version 3.3.11
Author's name: Martin Ward
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/program
Summary description: A style file for typesetting programs in maths mode
with indentation
License type: gpl
Announcement text:
Here's a copy of my LaTeX2e style file for typesetting programs
and algorithms in my favourite style without having to type
in endless tabbing commands. Each line is set in math mode
so all the indentation and spacing is done automatically.
The notation |variable_name| can be used within normal text,
maths expressions or programs to indicate a variable name.
Use origbar to get a normal | symbol in a program.
The commands A, B, R, T and typeset the corresponding bold
letter with the next object as a substript (eg S1 typesets {f
S$_1$} etc). They now cope with primes as well, (eg $S2'''$). The
program.sty file can be easily edited to reflect your favoured style.
Typesetting a program is as easy as:
(IF x
e 0 THEN |long_name|_{123} = x^y FI)
See the program-demo.tex file for examples.
The file should work with or without AMSLaTeX.
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group .
Please join a users group; see .