On Wednesday, 23 Jul 2006, Olga Lapko submitted an update to the
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/makecell
Summary description: Tabular column heads and multilined cells
License type: LPPL
Announcement text:
This package offers a command, based on one-column tabular
environment, which allows to support a common layout for
tabular column heads in whole document. Another offered
command is for creation of multilined tabular cells. There
are also:
1) a macro, which changes vertical spaces
around all cells in tabular (like in tabls package) but based
on macros of array package;
2) macros for multirow cells/heads, which use macro from
multirow package.
3) macros numbered rows of cells or skipping cells in tabulars;
4) diagonally divided cells;
5) horizonral lines in tabulars with defined thickness.
Added: *) command for diagonally divided cells;
*) commands for horizonral lines in tabulars with defined
Added package-satellite tablists (beta):
creates tabulated lists of short items
(useful for lists of exersizes in textbooks)
Corrections in documentation.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team,
Joachim Schrod