Jean-Pierre Drucbert wrote:
> Dear CTAN administrators,
> I have uploaded a new version (#53) of the minitoc package in
> the /incoming directory of . The file is named
> (13491697 bytes)
> This package should completely replace its previous version in
> tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/minitoc/
> The licence is LPPL.
> This package allows the creation of mini-tables of contents,
> lists of figures or lists of tables per part, chapter or
> section, with language dependent titles.
> This new version has the following changes or improvements:
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Minitoc version #53
> -- Added the example file mtc-fko.tex.
> -- Corrected kernafterminitoc and siblings.
> -- Updated mtc-apx.tex.
> -- Renamed into; this file
> contains a TDS hierachy of the package.
> -- Updated kannada.mld.
> -- Documentation:
> - Bibliographic references for packages and classes in the index.
> - Added a header to the index, to explain notations.
> - Changed the style of page and line numbers in the index.
> - Dangerous bend symbols are now in the right margin.
> - Improved the presentation of example files.
> - Using the natbib package to sort and compress the sequences
> of citations.
> - Correction in table describing the TDS.
> - Updated the bibliography.
> _______________________________________________________________________
> The administravive trivia are in the `CATALOG' file in the
> distribution.
> Note that the documentation is mainly available in PDF form,
> -- in (not perfect) english: minitoc.pdf
> -- in french: fminitoc.pdf
> The new ``cmk'' script may be used to convert the PDF documentation
> into PostScript.
> The INSTALL file (and, better, the ``Installation'' chapter in the
> documentation) describes the files of this package (the list
> of files is in minitoc.l).
thanks for the upload; i've installed the files and updated the
catalogue repository.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team