A new package has been installed at tug.ctan.org and should soon make
its way to your favorite mirror.
Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
St Michael's College
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: starfont
Author's name: Matthew Skala
Location on CTAN: /fonts/ps-type1/starfont
Summary description: Support for the StarFont Sans astrological font
License type: pd
Announcement …
[View More]text given by the package's contributor:
StarFont Sans is a popular font of astrological symbols designed by
Anthony I.P. Owen; this package provides macro support for using it
with LaTeX. The font itself must be obtained separately.
See this package at
. You may get a better network connection by using a CTAN mirror
near to you; see http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors .
Our service is supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
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I am pleased to announce version 3.16 of the UK TeX FAQ; it has been
installed at the Cambridge node, and should be somewhere near you
really soon.
The FAQ is LaTeX-oriented, but has a fair amount aimed to help and
interest Plain TeX users. Users of other macro packages may not find
it terribly helpful (but then, Context users always have
I append the changes file below.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
Changes in version 3.16
These are changes from 3.15a, which …
[View More]incorporated a couple of
minor corrections made on the day 3.15 was uploaded
New answers:
Label chngmargonfly: changing the document's margins on the fly
Label doc-wiki: catalogue of known tex-related WIKIs
Label fonts-pln: sophisticated font selection macros in Plain TeX
Label gutter: the problem with two-sided document margins
Label marginmanual: setting up the document's margins by hand
Label marginpkgs: packages for setting up the document's margins
Label matchbrak: matching [] in optional arguments, etc.
Label newfont: why shouldn't I use
ewfont in LaTeX?
Label poster: summary of the inadequate state of support for posters
Label repeatgrf: repeated graphics in documents
Label whatbst: choosing a BibTeX style
Label whatpdftex: PDFTeX has entered the mainstream (actually, it did some
time ago, but I've now recognised that in the FAQ)
Answers removed:
Label pdftex: I think pdftex is no longer research -- see label whatpdftex
Revised answers:
Label ant: correct home page reference
Label changemargin: rehashed as intro and list of links to (new)
instruction answers marginpkgs, marginmanual
and chngmargonfly
Label complist: mention multenum package
Label cv: europecv has improved, and there's a new class moderncv
Label dvipsgraphics: extend discussion of bitmap graphics in dvips
Label drawing: correct URL for pstricks site
Label findfiles: remove mention of the (long dead) quote site index,
add the catalogue bytopic.html
Label fmtconv: troff-to-latex no longer available
Label newfunction: mention operatorname command
Label labundef: mention labelcas package
Label labelfig: mention iTe editor, correct URL on pstricks page
Label man-tex: correct URL for Andy Roberts' page
Label man-latex: add Chris Harrison's web manual
Label rotating: mention rotfloat package
Label seccntformat: correction of suggested code
Label secthead: remove 2.09 font commands from simple example
Label struttab: mention new cellspace package
Label texsystems: mention w32tex (from japan) -- capable of being a minimal
Label tutbitslatex: correct URL for the pTeX description, add link to Smith's
LaTeX for logicians
Label usepictex: correct stuff about mathspic package
Label verbwithin: make clear problems apply to verbatim environment, too
Label xetex: simplify the answer (the details are all on the web
site, anyway), and mention the new linux port
LaTeX ``...'' quotes in the source used to be converted to the ascii
double-quote character in the HTML; this is changed to use the HTML
entities for typographic quotes (similarly for single quotes and
A minor change to html generation has been made, inserting paragraph
elements after block quotes: this makes CSS-controlled display more
regular (a CSS sheet is used in the code generated for the new CGI
engine -- see below).
Building the FAQ now requires e-TeX (or rather [pdf-]e-LaTeX); this
should not be a problem unless your TeX distribution is a bit aged.
Future releases:
This release is wildly overdue (even making allowance for my
extended illness). If I can find the time to do so, I intend in
future to release anything that's available, around the end of each
month. Full releases, with batches of new questions, may still be
long delayed, but I hope not.
Coming up (still):
I have a far more efficient CGI engine for serving answers to the web;
those of a strong constitution may view the experimental testbed at:
URL http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html-gamma
It is missing a search engine, various links and topping and tailing
of answers; it uses Cambridge University's default CSS sheet in a
non-standard way; and, crucially it lacks **SUPPORT**. I welcome
suggestions for improving the way I do things, but I can't claim it
will always work.
Mechanisms whereby I can point to the CTAN catalogue from FAQ
answers remains as a background task; I suggested several ways
(last time) in which such links would be valuable.
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On Thu, 29 Jun 2006, Staszek Wawrykiewicz submitted updates for the font
antt (v2.06)
iwona (v0.97)
kurier (v0.97)
All are located in CTAN'S fonts directory tree.
See below for more information.
Thanks for the upload.
Package: antt
Version: 2.06
Author: Janusz Marian Nowacki
Location on CTAN: fonts/antt/
In the current version (2.06) some new glyphs were added:
Breveinverted, Hbar.small, Ubreveinvertedlow, …
[View More]Ubreveinvertedlow.small,
breveinverted, breveinvertedlow, dotlessi.small, dotlessj.small,
ubreveinvertedlow. Also encoding files were corrected.
Package: iwona
Version: 0.97
Author: Janusz Marian Nowacki
Location on CTAN: fonts/iwona/
Iwona is a two-element sans-serif typeface. It was created as an alternative
version of the Kurier typeface, which was designed in 1975 for a diploma
in typeface design at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision
of Roman Tomaszewski.
Kurier was designed for linotype typesetting of newspapers and similar
periodicals. The Iwona fonts are an alternative version of the Kurier fonts.
The difference lies in the absence of ink traps which typify the Kurier font.
This distribution contains a significantly extended set of characters covering
the following modern alphabets: latin (including Vietnamese), cyrillic and
greek as well as a number of additional symbols (including mathematical
symbols). The fonts are prepared in Type 1 and OpenType formats. For use
with TeX the following encoding files have been prepared: T1 (ec), T2 (abc),
and OT2 -- cirilic, T5 (Vietnamese), OT4, QX, texansi and nonstandard (IL2
for the Czech fonts), as well as supporting macros and files defining fonts
for LaTeX. The doc/fonts/iwona folder contains examples for plain TeX as well
as for LaTeX and an example of typesetting mathematics.
In the current version (0.97) some new glyphs were added:
Breveinverted, Hbar.small, Ubreveinvertedlow, Ubreveinvertedlow.small,
breveinverted, breveinvertedlow, dotlessi.small, dotlessj.small,
ubreveinvertedlow. Also encoding files were corrected.
Package: kurier
Version: 0.97
Author: Janusz Marian Nowacki
Location on CTAN: fonts/kurier/
Kurier is a two-element sans-serif typeface. It was designed for a diploma
in typeface design at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts under the supervision
of Roman Tomaszewski. The result was presented with other Polish typefaces
at the ATypI conference in Warsaw in 1975.
Kurier was intended for linotype typesetting of newspapers and similar
periodicals. The design goals included resistance to technological processes
destructive to the letter shapes. As a result, amongst others, the typeface
distinguishes itself through intra- and extra-letter white spaces as well
as ink traps at cross-sections of some elements constituting the characters.
This distribution contains a significantly extended set of characters covering
the following modern alphabets: latin (including Vietnamese), cyrillic and
greek as well as a number of additional symbols (including mathematical
symbols). The fonts are prepared in Type 1 and OpenType formats. For use with
TeX the following encoding files have been prepared: T1 (ec), T2 (abc), and
OT2 -- cirilic, T5 (Vietnamese), OT4, QX, texansi and nonstandard (IL2 for
the Czech fonts), as well as supporting macros and files defining fonts for
LaTeX. The doc/fonts/kurier folder contains examples for plain TeX as well
as for LaTeX and an example of typesetting mathematics.
In the current version (0.97) some new glyphs were added:
Breveinverted, Hbar.small, Ubreveinvertedlow, Ubreveinvertedlow.small,
breveinverted, breveinvertedlow, dotlessi.small, dotlessj.small,
ubreveinvertedlow. Also encoding files were corrected.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Olga Lapko submitted an update to the
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/makecell
Summary description: Tabular column heads and multilined cells
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This package offers a command, based on one-column tabular
environment, which allows to support a common layout for
tabular column heads in whole document. Another …
[View More]offered
command is for creation of multilined tabular cells. There
are also: 1) a macro, which changes vertical spaces
around all cells in tabular (like in tabls package) but based
on macros of array package;
2) macros for multirow cells/heads, which use macro from
multirow package.
Added macros for skipping and numbering of similar cell rows.
Corrections in documentation.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Eric Beitz submitted an update to the
TeXshade is an alignment shading software completely written in TeX/LaTeX
which can process multiple sequence alignments in the .MSF and the .ALN
file format. It provides in addition to common shading algorithms special
shading modes featuring functional aspects, e.g. charge or hydropathy, and
a plenitude of commands for handling shading colors, text styles, labels,
legends and even allows the user to define …
[View More]completely new sha- ding modes.
TeXshade combines highest flexibility and the habitual TeX output
quality--with reasonable time expenditure.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/texshade/
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
TeXshade sequence and subfamily logos do not need pstricks anymore. Bug
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Martin Hensel submitted an update to the
bundle for typesetting chemical formulae, chemical equations and Risk and
Safety (R and S) Phrases.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/mhchem/
Summary description: for typesetting chemical formulae, chemical equations and Risk and Safety (R and S) Phrases
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
most significant change:
- option to render …
[View More]reaction arrows using the pgf package
further changes:
- H2_{(aq)} now adds a small space before the (aq)
- bugfix: line height of formulae with <-> was too large
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Uwe Lück submitted and update to the
package for scholarly critical editions.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/ednotes
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
CHANGES for ednotes.sty v1.23b 2006/01/26:
1. Remarks in documentation: how not to suppress hyphenation
of first word in a lemma tag. (I prefer explaining
customization to changing the default -- which some
[View More]users may prefer.)
2. Package option `edmacpara' adapted to nccfoots v1.2
-- this requires updating mfparptc.sty as well.
3. Occasionally LPPL v1.3a -> v1.3c .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]
This package has been updated on tug.ctan.org and should soon be
at your favorite mirror.
Thank you Scott.
Jim Hefferon
St Michael's College
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: PerlTeX
Author's name: Scott Pakin
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/perltex
Summary description: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
License type: lppl
Announcement text given by …
[View More]the package's contributor:
PerlTeX is a combination Perl script (perltex.pl) and LaTeX2e style
file (perltex.sty) that, together, give the user the ability to define
LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code. Once defined, a Perl macro becomes
indistinguishable from any other LaTeX macro. PerlTeX thereby combines
LaTeX's typesetting power with Perl's programmability.
PerlTeX v1.3 adds code to work around a limitation of the Perl sandbox
(i.e., that certain constructs fail even when perltex is run with the
--nosafe option) and introduces a perldo macro that enables the
execution of Perl code outside of any subroutine.
See this package at
. You may get a better network connection by using a CTAN mirror
near to you; see http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors .
Our service is supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
[View Less]
Tobias Oetiker writes:
> I have uploaded acronym-1.26 to ftp.tex.ac.uk:/incoming/acronym-1.26.
> As usual, this is a minor update. Only announce it if it strikes you as important.
> Recent Changes:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Version 1.26 (June 2006) supress lone item when nolist is in effect
> -- Immo Köster <Immo.Koester there rwth-aachen.de>
> Version 1.25 (November 2005) properly handle acronyms in pdfbookmarks
> --…
[View More] Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek there uni-freiburg.de>
> [...]
i've installed the replacement package and updated the catalogue.
thanks for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
[View Less]
On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, Olga Lapko submitted an update to the
Location on CTAN: /fonts/cyrillic/lh
Summary description: Cyrillic fonts with support of LaTeX standard encodings
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
The LH fonts address the problem of the wide variety of alphabets that are
written with Cyrillic-style characters. The fonts are the original basis
of the set of T2* and X2 encodings that are …
[View More]now used when LaTeX users need
to write in Cyrillic languages.
The fonts are available in Adobe Type 1 format, in the CM-Super family of
Added directories in fonts/source/lh directory for Concrete boldface
fonts. The TeX source files for creation of METAFONT files moved to
source/fonts/lh directory to follow TeX Directory Structure rules.
Added minor LaTeX support for standard LaTeX and traditional Cyrillic
encodings (for SliTeX, CM Bright, Concrete fonts).
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
[View Less]