On Thu, 25 May 2006, Ingo H. de Boer submitted version 3.1 of the
He writes:
> I am happy to announce the WinShell 3.1 Release.
> I have uploaded the complete files to
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/incoming/winshell/
> please replace all the files in
> ftp://ftp.dante.de/pub/tex/systems/win32/winshell/
> The licence is 'nosource'
> thanks & greets
> Ingo
> #######################################
> WinShell is a free multilingual integrated development environment (IDE) for
> LaTeX and TeX. The program includes a text editor, syntax highlighting,
> project management, spell checking, a table wizard, BibTeX support, different
> toolbars and user configuration options. It is not a LaTeX system; an
> additional LaTeX package is required.
> #######################################
> WinShell 3.1 major BugFixes/Features to version 3.0
> - Brazilian-Portuguese, Catalan, Hungarian, Mexican-Spanish
> and Turkish language support
> - The log window couldn't handle huge log files
> - Fix of brace matching in DBCS files (due to new Scintilla library)
> - Search in files dialog
> - Activation of last active project on WinShell start up
> - Unicode support; Automatic conversion of UTF-8 files
> - Jumping to error line by double clicking in Output Window
> or automatic jumping
> - <sel> tag in macro to replace a selected text
> - Redesign of the menu and toolbars
> - Redesign of the Project Window
> - Redesign of the Output Window
> - Redesign of the log file parsing
> - Redesign of the Fonts dialog
> - Redesign of the Syntax highlighting dialog
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf