Herbert Voss has submitted a new version of his maths typesetting
tutorial; this update includes a rearrangement of the package on ctan.
herbert writes:
> This new version 2.20 has:
> - new subdirectory for the images of the
> document source
> - added a subsection for package cool
> - a new section Tuning math typesetting
> - as usual, small changes to the source
i have installed the new version at cambridge, for transmission to
other ctan sites and mirrors.
users may browse the package via the catalogue entry
thanks for the update;
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
On Sun, 8 Oct 2006, N Setzer submitted an update to his
package (COntent-Oriented LaTeX).
The package gives LaTeX the power to retain mathematical meaning
of its expressions in addition to the typsetting instructions;
essentially separating style from the content of the math.
One advantage of keeping mathematical meaning is that conversion
of LaTeX documents to other executable formats (such as Content
MathML or Mathematica ode) is greatly simplified.
The package requires the coolstr, coollist, and forloop packages.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/cool
Summary description: COntent-Oriented LaTeX
License type: lgpl
Announcement text:
Update to the cool package that adds the ability to alter the
DifferentialD in both the Integral and derivative, adds the ability to
alter the symbol of some of the fundamental constants, adds the ability to
alter the symbol of the IdentityMatrix, and adjusted the parentheses by
adding mathopen{} before the left tag (to improve spacing).
This package is located at
. More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to
appear). We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
Due to a scheduled network outage. the Cambridge main CTAN node
is not reachable until 1400 GMT (according to schedule).
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf
Bernard Gaulle writes:
> I've upload to ftp.tex.ac.uk the file frenchle.tar.gz which is a replacement
> for language/french/frenchle. This is the new version (V5,9991) for
> the LaTeX package frenchle, a ready to use package for typesetting
> French documents with or without Babel.
i've installed the new version; thank you for the upload.
> This upgrade (V5,9991) provides a new file babel.fr which is a
> little package designed to load Babel and accept the global option
> french for other French options not distributed with Babel, like
> frenchle. This is to restore the facility lengthy allowed by Babel
> but stopped at the end of 2003.
> Documentation has been updated; French guillemets usage now documented.
users who would like to browse the package may do so via its updated
catalogue page at
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
i have installed the latest version of msg.
Bernard Gaulle writes:
> The msg package is a LaTeX package designed to localize any
> document class or package. Very usefull for end-users who could
> obtain messages in their own prefered language. It is also really
> easy to use by class/package writers.
> Please, feel free to try/test it on any existing package/class and
> report any pb. No pb reported at that time.
> V 0.40 mods: no options are declared and processed when the msg
> package is called internally (from another package)
> or from the kernel.
> Added a Makefile to prepare for TeXLive.
> Added a CHANGES file
thanks for the upload.
the package is on its way out across the aether. meanwhile,
interested users may browse it in cambridge, via the catalogue entry
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
Herbert Voss writes:
> Mathmode.pdf is a comprehensive review of mathematics in (La)TeX.
> This new version 2.19 has the following changes:
> - some more infos for the fleqn class option
> - small fixes to the array environment
> - added an example for gathered (ams) and
> for boxed rows and columns of arrays
> - indice in upright font shape
> - extended index
> - a lot of modifications to the source code
i have installed the new version at cambridge, and pushed it out to
the rest of the world.
users may browse the new version via its catalogue page:
thanks, herbert, for the upload.
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team
i have just installed the end september release of the uk faq, here
in cambridge (it'll be making its way out to the rest of the world any
minute now). i have also updated the web version at
details of the new release are attached. i must apologise for missing
the end august release: ill health got in the way (there had been
little added that month, anyway, and something had to give in my
disrupted work schedules).
Robin Fairbairns
Changes in version 3.16b
This file incorporates the (small number of) changes from version 3.16
that previously appeared in file CHANGES-3.16a; the earlier changes
are marked with an asterisk.
New answer:
Label optionclash: clashing package options error in LaTeX
Revised answers:
Label ECfonts: reword discussion of mathematics and EC fonts (i.e.,
emphasise that there's no direct relation)
*Label filename: extend macro definitions, hopefully expanding the
usefulness and usability of the answer
Label hyperdupdest: other sources of the error than repeated pages
Label minitoc: corrected error in q-minitoc code, tidy comments
Label minxampl: include the word minimal, since it's a common search term
Label music: mention Lilypond as a source of TeX-compatible music
Label poster: mention Nicola Talbot's experimental flowfram layout package
Label texinfo: rewritten in parts, following a reader comment
Label texsystems: miktex installation has changed with v2.5
Label tutbitslatex: added pointers to TUG-maintained material on fonts
Label virtualfonts: re-thought through
*Label cmdstar: part of the example code was just wrong
*Label enumerate: unclarity in text caused by a typo
*Bug in introduction=yes HTML code corrected
Label atsigns: mark-up error caused curious HTML output (editorial
improvement too)
Future releases:
Despite missing the nominal end August 2006 delivery (through an
unfortunate combination of events), I'm aiming to maintain the
stream of (approximately) monthly bugfix releases. There are no
current plans for a major release, though work on the new web-based
version continues.
Robin Fairbairns
Philipp Lehman writes:
> I've uploaded `biblatex.tar.gz' to the incoming directory of the UK
> node. This is an update for macros/latex/exptl/biblatex. Please
> purge the old files, install the new ones, and announce the upload as
> usual.
i have installed the new version, and updated the catalogue. users
may browse the package via the catalogue entry:
that page outlines the package:
The biblatex package is a complete reimplementation of the
bibliographic facilities provided by LaTeX in conjunction with
BibTeX. It redesigns the way in which LaTeX interacts with BibTeX
at a fairly fundamental level.
> See the file `RELEASE' for release notes.
> * Added package option `bibtex8'
> * Added package option `sortlos'
> * Made `pageref' field local to `bibsection' environment
> * Renamed field `labeltitle' to `labelctitle'
> * Added new field `labeltitle'
> * Added new field `sortkey'
> * Removed iffieldtrue
> * Renamed counter `namepenalty' to `highnamepenalty'
> * Added counter `lownamepenalty'
> * Added command addlowpenspace
> * Added command addhighpenspace
> * Added command addabbrvspace
> * Added command adddotspace
> * Added command addslash
> * Added documentation of
> * Updated and expanded documentation
> (see the changelog in biblatex.pdf for pointers)
> * Various minor improvements throughout
> * Fixed some bugs
thank you for the upload, as always...
Robin Fairbairns
For the CTAN team