On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 Uwe Kern submitted an update to the
xcolor provides easy driver-independent access to several kinds of color
tints, shades, tones, and mixes of arbitrary colors. It allows a user to
select a document-wide target color model and offers complete tools for
conversion between eight color models. Additionally, there is a command
for alternating row colors plus repeated non-aligned material (like
horizontal lines) in tables. Colors can be mixed like
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/xcolor/
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
2005/09/23 v2.04
* New features:
- preparation for usage of additional - driver-provided - color
- `pstricks' users may now specify explicit color parameters within
psset and related commands, e.g. psset{linecolor=[rgb]{1,0,0}};
an illustrative example is given in xcolor2.tex.
* Changes:
- color model names sanitized (i.e., turned to catcode 12)
throughout the package;
- @namelet command deprecated because of name clash with
`memoir' - please use XC@let@cc instead
(more XC@let@.. commands are available as well);
- simplified color conversion code by using the new XC@ifxcase
- some minor changes to internal macros.
Thanks for the upload.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf