On Mon, 27 Jun 2005, Axel Sommerfeldt submitted:
The caption package v3.0f
to CTAN.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/caption/
Summary description: Customising captions in floating environments
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
The caption package provides many ways to customise the captions
in floating environments like figure and table and cooperates with
many other packages.
This is mainly a bugfix release of the caption package 3.0.
- New: Support of the hypcap package (11.5.05+12.6.05+22.6.05)
- Options name=, figurename= and tablename= removed (17.5.05)
- Bugfix: ContinuedFloat added to caption* (22.5.05),
caption*[...] removed (13.6.05)
- Increased compatibility: strut=0 added to caption style `ruled' (26.5.05)
- Bugfix: Compatibility option ruled works now as expected,
this means: No singlelinecheck, no margin (27.5.05)
- Internal change to caption@ifpackage (29.5.05)
- float support rewritten, patches @float@setevery instead of
caption + caption@setfloattype, needs float.sty v1.3 (31.5.05)
- Kernel: caption@setstyle* added (1.6.05)
- New: Support of the floatrow package (1.6.05)
- Bugfix 05-03-23: Caption label separator newline changed from
to \ so justification= options work correct (11.6.05)
- Bugfix: Adaption of ContinuedFloat to hyperref package (11.6.05)
- Improvement of float package support: Skip of plaintop captions is
correct now, skip of boxed captions can be setup with
captionsetup[boxed]{skip=...} (26.6.05)
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf