A new package has been installed at tug.ctan.org and should soon make its
way to your favorite mirror.
Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
Name of contribution: flacards
Author's name: Norbert Stuhrmann
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/flacards
Summary description: Class for flashcards
License type: gpl
Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
Class for typesetting flashcards. It will produce several user-defined
cards per page with front- and backside. You can put associated pieces
of information on each side like vocabularies.
See this package at
. You may get a better network connection by using a CTAN mirror
near to you; see http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors .
Our service is supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org .
Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Bas Straathof writes:
> Name of contribution: har2nat
> Author's name: Bas Straathof
> Location on CTAN: /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib
> Summary description: Redefines harvard citation commands for use
> with natbib package.
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This small package allows a LaTeX document containing the citation
> commands provided by the Harvard package (Peter Williams and
> Thorsten Schnier) to be compiled using the natbib package (Patrick
> W. Daly). Migration from harvard to natbib thus can be achieved
> simply by replacing
> usepackage{harvard}
> with
> usepackage{natbib}
> usepackage{har2nat}
> har2nat must not be loaded before the natbib package as it redefines
> the natbib commands cite and citeyear. All other natbib commands
> remain unchanged and can be used alongside the Harvard commands.
i have installed the package and created a new catalogue entry.
thanks for the upload.
users may view the package at
or download it as a whole from
For the CTAN team