On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 Patrick Happel uploaded an
update of his package
to CTAN.
There are a lot of packages for typesetting units in LaTeX2e. Some define
macros to typeset a lot of units but do not suit to the actual font
settings, some make the characters needed available but do not predefine
any unit.
This package tries to comply with both requirements. It predefines common
units, defines an easy to use interface to define new units and changes
the output concerning to the surrounding font settings.
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/unitsdef/
Summary description: Typesetting units in LaTeX2e
License type: lppl
Announcement text:
This is an update of unitsdef to version 0.2. It includes some bugfixes,
all units are robust now, a configuration file is supported and unitsdef
now uses xspace to simplify the writing process. There are some new
options to exclude some abbreviations to avoid conflicts with macros
defined by other packages.
Thanks for the update.
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf