On Mon, 9 Aug 2004, Harald Harders wrote:
> I have uploaded numprint-v1_22-v0_10.tar.gz which contains a new version
> of numprint and the new package nbaseprt. Please replace the files in
> CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/numprint by the contents of the archive. License
> is LPPL.
> >From the README:
> numprint.sty:
> Print numbers with a separator every three digits and convert numbers
> given as 12345.6e789 to 12,345,6cdot 10^{789}. Numbers are printed
> in the current mode (text or math) in order to use the correct font.
> Many things, including the decimal sign, the thousand separator, as
> well as the product sign can be changed by the user, e.g., to reach
> 12,345.6 imes 10^{789}. If requested, numprint can round numbers to
> a given number of digits.
> If an optional argument is given it is printed upright as unit.
> Numbers can be rounded to a given number of digits.
> The package supports an automatic, language-dependent change of the
> number format.
> Tabular alignment using the tabular(*), array, tabularx, and longtable
> environments (similar to the dcolumn and rccol packages) is supported
> using all features of numprint. Additional text can be added before and
> after the formatted number.
> If you prefer to use the old version 0.32 you may use numprint032.sty
> which will stay fixed.
> nbaseprt.sty:
> This package prints INT numbers in different bases (octal,
> decimal, hexadecimal, binary) similarly to the numprint package.
> But here, the number of digits within one group depends on the
> base.
> This version of nbaseprt.sty is a BETA VERSION. The main command
baseprint will stay stable but all configuration commands and the output
> of
baseprint may change in future. Please give me feedback what can be
> improved and if the abbreviations for the different number bases are
> correct.
> ChangeLog.numprint:
> 2004/08/08 v1.22 Harald Harders (h.harders(a)tu-bs.de)
> - Use
punitcommand to typeset units.
> - Produce a warning rather than an error when using extdegree as
> unit.
> - Enable to use extcelsius, extohm, extmu, extperthousand
> in the unit.
> - Print sign in a group to avoid additional space for an operator
> (for nbaseprt).
> - Restrain empty color command to exponent.
> ChangeLog.nbaseprt:
> 2004/08/08 v0.10 Harald Harders (h.harders(a)tu-bs.de)
> - New Implementation
> nbaseprt is a beta version. Please give me feedback what can be improved
> and if the input and output is correct.
Thanks for your upload. I installed the package in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf