On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, Harald Harders wrote:
> I have uploaded babelbib-0_40.tar.gz to ftp.dante.de. Please replace all
> files in CTAN:biblio/bibtex/contrib/babelbib by its contents. An xml file
> for the catalogue is included. License stays LPPL.
> From the README:
> This package enables to generate multilingual bibliographies in
> cooperation with babel. Two approaches are possible: Each citation
> may be written in another language, or the whole bibliography can
> be typeset in a language chosen by the user. The current version
> supports Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian,
> Portoguese, Spanish, and Swedish.
> In addition, the package supports commands to change the typography
> of the bibliographies.
> Supported bibliography styles are bababbrv.bst, bababbr3.bst,
> babalpha.bst, babamspl.bst, babplai3.bst, babplain.bst, and babunsrt.bst.
> Change log:
> - 0.40 2003/09/26 - babalpha.bst: Use long strings for Technical Reports
> - Move the definition of the bst files into the
> dtx file
> - If no language field is given for an item, fall back
> to the document's main language instead of an
> undefined behaviour
> - If no url command is defined, produce an error
> message when using the url field
Thanks for the update, I installed it in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf