----- Forwarded message from ctan-upload(a)nova.dante.de -----
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2003
From: ctan-upload(a)nova.dante.de
To: ctan(a)dante.de
Subject: CTAN upload notification: versions.sty
Sender: owner-ctan(a)dante.de
A submission was uploaded to nova.dante.de:/ftp/incoming/upload-20031010.001/.
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: versions.sty
Name and email: Uwe Luck <uwe.lueck(a)web.de>
Suggested location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/versions
Summary description: Optionally omit pieces of text.
License type: LaTeX Project
Announcement text:
Stephan Bellantoni's `version.sty' has provided preamble commands for selecting environments to be included/excluded. `versions.sty' does the same, but corrects, improves, and extends `version.sty' in both implementation and function. See also `comment', `optional', `verbatim', and see package documentation for comparison with `version.sty' and `comment.sty'.
XML file:
<?xml version=1.0?>
<!DOCTYPE entry SYSTEM ../catalogue.dtd>
<entry id=versions.sty
<caption>Optionally omit pieces of text.</caption>
<name>Uwe Luck</name>
<license type=LaTeX Project />
Stephan Bellantoni's `version.sty' has provided preamble commands for selecting environments to be included/excluded. `versions.sty' does the same, but corrects, improves, and extends `version.sty' in both implementation and function. See also `comment', `optional', `verbatim', and see package documentation for comparison with `version.sty' and `comment.sty'.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload, I installed it (the second upload dated October 10)
as suggested in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/versions/
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team