----- Forwarded message from Jens Berger -----
I've just uploaded the file jurabib-052p.tar.gz to
This archive contains an updated version (0.52p) of the jurabib package.
It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
The following files are included:
Changes since 0.52h:
natbib commands are working with `authorformat=index' now
(bug reported by Jose Ignacio Sanchez-Macias).
some changes in spjbbib.ldf (suggested by Jose Ignacio
bugfix for missing endgroup (double egingroup!) while
calling jbcitenotitle.
removed doubled comma, if number and volume are given,
while artnumberformat prints out a comma by itself
(reported by Kai Kramer and Jose Ignacio Sanchez-Macias).
no longer double output of year for @article type (generated
shorttitle contains `journal year').
fallback to url (if url given and neither shortauthor or shorttitle
are given) removed, because of problems of detecting
not given url.
check for `commabeforerest' introduced for citefield.
no longer additional shorttitle, if `authorformat=year' is used.
`fseries ?' replaced by `{fseries ?, #1}' (suggested by
Tilman Finke).
hardcoded `in:' removed (reported by Peter Flynn).
No longer warnings about ambiguous citations if
`authorformat=year' is used.
New entry type @LEXICON introduced (alpha stage!).
bugfix regarding babel's french options (reported by Peter Flynn).
sort.format.names removed for sortkey. All spaces are ignored now.
natbib-emulated command `citet' improved (bug reported by Klaus
citeworkwithtitle{} allows to specify a list of works (keys), for
those the title should always be printed (suggested by
Till A. Heilmann)
natbib emulation commands using the first optional argument for
pages now (bug reported by Bear F. Braumoeller).
rewritten macro jbfirstcitepageranges. Documentation added.
Counting of citations inside footnote's introduced to avoid
lowercase ibidem at the begin of the footnote.
`pages=always' includes no longer the pagerange in the short
lowercase ibidem for inline citations or cite's inside the same
footnote (reported by Matthias Damm).
some def's replaced by DeclareRobustCommand's.
bugfix for indexing with `index' package, reported by
Dirk Steinmeyer.
No special code for loaded footmisc, exceeded TeX capacity if
`multiple' option was used (reported by Thorsten Manegold).
Printout no title, if `authorformat=year' is used
and no shorttitle is given (reported by Carsten Mennenoeh).
output of startpage for ibidem citations is suppressed now
(suggested by Benjamin von Engelhardt).
Please replace the current files in the directory
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the upload. I installed the new version (plus documentation)
as suggested replacing the old version in
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team