----- Forwarded message from Markus Kohm -----
A submission was uploaded to nova.dante.de:/ftp/incoming/upload-20020621.001/.
The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:
Name of contribution: KOMA-Script
Name and email: Markus Kohm
Suggested location on CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/koma-script
Summary description: KOMA-Script, a versatile LaTeX2e bundle
License type: Free
Announcement text:
The KOMA-Script team is happy to announce the June '02
Release of the KOMA-Script bundle aka What we forgot in
our previous release.
What is KOMA-Script
KOMA-Script is a versatile bundle of LaTeX2e document
classes and packages. It aims to be a replacement to
the standard LaTeX2e classes.
KOMA-Script does not stop with the features known from
the standard classes, but it extends the possibilities
in order to provide the user an almost complete working
Versions of classes and packages at this release:
scrartcl.cls 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrbook.cls 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrreprt.cls 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrlttr2.cls 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrlettr.cls 2002/05/24 v2.6e (obsolete)
scrtime.sty 2002/02/02 v1.1m
scrdate.sty 2002/02/02 v1.1m
scrpage2.sty 2002/03/28 v2.1
typearea.sty 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrlfile.sty 2002/06/21 v2.9
scrpage.sty 2001/06/22 v1.3c (obsolete)
scraddr.sty 2002/06/02 v1.1b
What is new in this KOMA-Script release
The two most important changes are that there is now
a completely rewritten letter class (scrlttr2) included
and for our non-german users we are happy to provide
the first time in the KOMA-Script history a complete
english manual.
Furthermore, the article, report and book classes
know some new options, commands and environments.
For example KOMA-Script provides an environment to
set captions beside a figure or table. Enhanced control
over the captions should make packages like caption2
almost unnecessary. A new interface allows to select the
style of different text elements very easily.
The scrdate and scrtime packages now support also
the languages dutch and croatian.
The new package scrlfile gives package developers
and even users more control over package dependencies.
This release includes of course some minor bug fixes
and many more enhancements not mentioned here.
Go discover.
Notes to the CTAN and the TeX Catalogue maintainers:
- I've used tar.bz2 because it's much shorter.
- There's a ``koma-script.xml'' at this distribution.
Please use it or modified version of it for The TeX
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for uploading the new version. I installed it as suggested in
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team