On Mon, 6 May 2002, M. Vaeth wrote:
> I have uploaded a new release of ziffer.sty (v2.1). It should replace
> macros/latex/contrib/supported/misc/ziffer.sty
> This is a small package which allows typesetting of numbers according to
> the conventions used in Germany and some other countries. More precisely:
> . (within a number in math-mode) becomes a small space [1000-separator]
> , (within a number in math-mode) becomes a 'decimal-separator comma'
> -- (in math-mode) gets a more natural spacing (customizable).
> In other contexts, the above symbols can be used as usual (also in math-mode).
> In the new release, the '--' conversion is not the default anymore and can
> be switched on/off separately. The reason is that this conversion causes
> (unavoidable) problems with newer versions of amsmath.
Thanks for the update, I installed it as requested, in
For the CTAN Team
Rainer Schöpf